Wednesday, March 24, 2010

simple pleasures - free of charge

"Happiness is the best facelift"
- Joni Mitchell, Taming the Tiger-

Yesterday evening I cycled in the rain. I set out from the office and pedalled away.

As others drove by in their cars, I cycled, and emitted nothing but my breath.

As others pound down some kind of fast food in the cars, or on the bus they rode, I cycled, and burned calories.

As others rushed in busy traffic, I cycled, and took my time.

As others sat in their offices waiting for the rain to stop, I cycled, and got my heart pumping and blood flowing.

As others held business meetings or gossips, I cycled, and had all the time to myself to think.

As others were overworking or voluntarily doing overtime, I cycled and cleared my head.

As others had the comfort of shelter and air-conditioning, I cycled, felt the rain, and loved it.

As the rain stopped, the sun set, the sky turned red, and a squirrel flew from branch to branch shaking the wet leaves and causing raindrops to a drying sidewalk below, I cycled, and watched, and loved it.

Life is beautiful, when you slow down a bit.