Monday, April 20, 2009

Work vs Slavery

“Keluar pagi, balik petang, Keluar pagi, balik petang, Dapat Gaji, bayar hutang” – Ustaz Zahazan Mohamad

Funny Ustaz. In English, the above quote basically reads like this,

“Go out at sunrise,
come back at sunset;
Get salary,
pay debt”.

Notwithstanding the bad rhyme, the message does have a good message – one that we already know. It should even trigger us to evaluate the reasons why we even go to work in the first place.

Some of us love our jobs. If that’s the case, by all means, enjoy them while you still can. Just don’t let your job rule you. Don’t be possessed by your possessions. Work because you like it.

Don’t end up being a slave to your job.

Don’t lose time with your loved ones because you need that promotion.

Don’t sacrifice your passions because you want that salary raise.

Don’t delay your retirement because you have bank loans, hire-purchase and debts to pay.

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