Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I am a star

I am featured in the Star newspaper today!


And since morning I have been receiving complimentary phone calls, SMSs and e-mails. Some even thought I was a fitness freak and that cycling in town is dangerous.

Let me tell you something – I am NOT a fitness freak, although it is a fact that cycling keeps my tummy tucked. I suggest you cycle too - you know I know that you know how good it feels to be able to wear again that pair of Levi’s you bought 5 years ago!

Cycling is a naturally romantic thing to do - feeling the breeze, experiencing the sunrise and the sunset and occasionally tasting the rain. And I am just being what I am – romantic!

And it’s not any more dangerous than being in a car. Only when you stop in the middle of traffic do you breathe in noxious vehicle fumes. As long as you keep moving, your lungs are clean. Studies have also shown that drivers stuck in traffic are more likely to inhale dangerous gases, even when the windows are all up. On the other hand, the cyclist, being higher that exhaust pipes, is free from dirty air including his own fart.

And how can a light vehicle powered by the rider’s own feet be more dangerous that the heavy and environmentally unfriendly motorcar with an engine run by flammable fuel and brought to life via spark ignition?

Back to being a star…I also appeared in Chinese newspaper Sin Chew Jit Poh 2 days ago and prior to that, in NSTonline and Bernama.com.

Ok, I’m ready to sign autographs. Who’s first?

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