Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Choose wisely. Otherwise, divorce right now!

Even if you don’t care about saving money for retirement, preserving the environment for your children and future generation, educating yourself and your family on how to live a simple life and stopping the war in the Middle East (and the world, sooner or later), you should still divorce your car because:

If you own a Korean car, you have bad taste.

If you own an Italian car, you are broke.

If you own a German car, you are egoistic in that you believe your self-worth is tied to your car.

If you own a French car, you have weird sense of fashion.

If you own a car from China, you have a clear sense of humor, plus a tool to make people laugh.

If you own a Japanese car (passenger, not sports), you are womanly.

If you own a Swedish car (Volvo or worse, Saab), you are gay.

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