Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How owning nothing can be liberating; and How Prophet Muhammad s.a.w dealt with his possessions

Once, a present of four camels loaded with food stuff was sent to the prophet s.a.w when he was sitting in the mosque. He bade his attendant Bilal to pay the debts with it and report. Bilal came again and said, “Alhamdulillah all the debts are clear”. “Is there anything left?” enquired the prophet s.a.w. “Yes, something is there” replied Bilal. The prophet said, “Go and give that away as well. I shall not go home until the whole lot has been distributed”.

The prophet s.a.w kept sitting in the mosque all day long. After Isya’ prayer he asked Bilal again if something was left over. He replied that since a few of the poor had not turned up, something was still lying in the house. The prophet s.a.w did not want to stay in the house where property was lying, so he spent that night in the mosque. Next morning when Bilal came to report that everything had been distributed and nothing was left in the house, the prophet s.a.w glorified the Lord and thanked Him for he did not like to die while any of the riches were in his possession. He then went home and met his family.

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