Monday, February 22, 2010

Poverty is my pride

It’s 3 days before Maulidur Rasul (the birthday of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w) 12 Rabiul Awal, so I thought I’d share with you a glimpse into his simple life.

The prophet s.a.w used to say, “Poverty is my pride”.

But this poverty was optional and voluntary, not compulsory, for he would give away to the poor and destitute whatever came to him. While I strive for simplicity and frugality (reasonably – which means I should be able to explain to my wife and family members), the prophet’s life was of intense austerity. He lived in a mud hut and slept on the ground. His bed consisted of a piece of double-folded canvas. Once, his wife four-folded it to make it more comfortable. The next morning he asked, “What did you spread under me last night? Keep it as it was before as its additional softness stands in the way of getting up for Tahajjud (late night voluntary prayer) in the night”

Pause. Think, think, think!

And here we are worrying about the worn-out springs in our mattress, the bedspread not matching the curtains and the whole bedroom furniture which we claim, “Oh, this is SO not me!”. And then we sleep all through the night like nobody’s business. How fucked up are we?

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