Thursday, February 25, 2010

Worldly attachment & detachment – Discourses of Hazrat Abu Bakar Shibli and Abu Yazid.

Abu Bakar Shibli was donning a rich garment one day when suddenly he put it off and cast it in a burning oven. When asked why he did so, he replied, “God told me that if my heart shall deviate for a moment from His constant remembrance, He would burn me and the garment. So I burnt the garment myself to prevent any future calamity, for my heart was a little inclined towards it”

One night Abu Yazid could find no joy in worship. “Look and see if there is anything of value in the house,” he said. His disciples looked, and discovered half a bunch of grapes. “Fetch them and give them away,” Abu Yazid commanded. “My house is not a fruiter’s shop”. And he rediscovered his composure.

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