Tuesday, March 24, 2009


You are probably already happy and just don't know it. - Dave Waxler

If there’s one thing cycling to work has taught me, it is about slowing down and enjoying simplicity.

I am no longer one in the rat race rushing through traffic to climb the corporate ladder so that I could label myself as successful and be happy.

But I can be happy even if I am not at the top of the ladder. In fact, I bet I am happier than most people at the top.

As a result of downshifting, I don’t overwork anymore. I let the Joneses keep up among themselves. My time, my health is more important.

The ladder is so high, and if only we could downshift a little, we could take pleasure from the free and beautiful things in life – the sun, the rain, the rocks, the mud, the hills, the streams, the birds, the butterflies…the list is never-ending.

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