Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My Rear End is Nicer by Year End

While I may not exactly be God’s gift to women, cycling will be the beginning of my very own long term personal contribution to society. As I put forth my priority as a caring citizen, and embark on my very own flagship PSR (Personal Social Responsibility), I will focus on 7 core areas (apart from improving the shape of my buttock by end of the year) namely:

Environmental Protection: With bicycle, I manage to preserve the environment by minimising the consumption of resources (petrol especially) and pollution (such as noise and air). The light-weightiness of the bicycle is also non-damaging to the tarmac and natural contours of the earth, which I appreciatively relate to the curves of a woman’s body.

Community Involvement: Cycling to work is sociable because I am part of the environment; rather than seeing the environment through a windscreen. As I pass through neigbourhoods, I am able to flash a smile and even greet people especially the elderly, and even children waiting for the bus. I don’t just look at trees. I smell them. I don’t just watch the sunrise and sunset. I feel them. I become more romantic naturally.

Employer Welfare: Cycling to work is a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I arrive at work alert and feeling energized, ready to make the most of the day. A company would really benefit from one fit (and romantic) employee. The office parking lot will have one extra space. I do not give out greenhouse emissions and therefore I contribute to the success of ISO 14001 certification audits.

Social Service: With cycling, I am the voice of the population who cries in desperation for lower petrol price, car price (but higher quality), toll rates, roadtax, and for better and safer roads and public transportation. I do not annoy my neighbours with the sound of an engine, I minimise traffic congestion, and at the same time, I inspire others to be more creative in economic planning.

Human Rights: With cycling, I am exercising my right to rest and leisure, right to an adequate standard of living, and right to simply exercise! Because without cycling to work, I have no chance of vigorous physical activity since I’ll be stuck in traffic jam for one hour in the morning and another hour after work. Plus 8 hours in the office, that’s 10 hours sitting in air-cond room! Moreover, cycling enables me to dictate my own commute and traffic rules; and therefore helps me exercise my right to freedom!

Family Bonding: Cycling not only makes me a healthy (and romantic, don’t you forget that!) member in the family, it also takes away all work-related stress from every turn of the pedal, so I come home stress-free. As cycling is a cheap way to travel, my family budget improves. And with the petrol money I save, I can take my family on a weekend outing for a sumptuous seafood or something.

Healthcare: Cycling is a simple low-impact way to improve health that doesn’t feel like exercise, as opposed to jogging (which can develop arthritis) or aerobic (which is boring, especially if you are doing it all by yourself in front of instructional video). Cycling has potential to protect one from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, anxiety, depression and a host of other common health problems. By cycling 25km to work, and another 25km home, I overshoot the 30min-a-day physical exercise recommended by health experts.

For once in our lives, let’s do the ride thing – cycle!

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